Learn How to Manage Lotus Notes NSF File Size Limit

reduce lotus notes mailbox size

Many business organization communicate through Lotus Notes. It provides server based applications that can be used for business collaboration functions and document management. An employee uses IBM Notes to send and receive emails daily. With time one reaches the maximum file size for Lotus Notes. They look for solution online to curb this situation and restore communication. There are easier ways to increase mailbox space in IBM Notes. Some of these steps and techniques have been described in this post. Read the complete segment to manage lotus notes NSF file size limit.

Warning Messages When Lotus Notes Database File Size Limit

There is a mailbox quota for each user in a Notes environment. It is the maximum threshold limit beyond which users can not save drafts but can create and send them. There is also a warning threshold beyond which users may receive error messages:

"Cannot allocate database object - database would exceed its disk quota": This prevents adding new elements to the existing mailbox. It does not restrict access to mail database.

“Warning, database has exceeded its size warning threshold.": This indicates mailbox size is increasing to its limit and allows users to check the database size.

Methods to Maintain Lotus Notes NSF File Size Limit

Delete Unnecessary Emails: Remove all emails with large attachments that are no longer required. This will free some space of IBM Notes mail database.

Remove Large Attachments: Some emails have attachments that can take a lot of space in a mailbox. These can be easily saved to computer and the email deleted.

Change Default Settings: Set the sent items settings to withdraw saving messages after they are send. This can reduce Lotus Notes mailbox size.

Keep Important Emails: Only keep the crucial mailbox data that are needed in business communication. Delete the rest of the items.

Compress NSF Database: There are manual techniques to compact a large Lotus Notes NSF file. These can be implemented to bring down mailbox size.

Reduce Lotus Notes Database File Size Limit

Solution#1 Compaction Method

  • First, start the Lotus Notes application and go to File>>Database option.
  • Then, click the Properties button.
  • From the Properties Window, click on Information and then, Compact.

Solution#2 Set Quota for Existing Mailbox

  • First, go to Domino Administrator client and click Files tab
  • Then, locate the Mail directory and select the user mailbox that has reached maximum file size for Lotus Notes
  • Next, go to Tools>>Database>>Quota
  • From the Set Quotas dialogue box, select the Set database quota to option and enter a quota value
  • Also, select the Set warning threshold to option and enter the warning threshold value
  • Finally, click OK and the new mailbox quota has been set.
set quota

Solution#3 Set Quota During Registration

  • In Domino Administrator Client, register a new user
  • Then, select the Advanced options and go to Mail tab
  • From the Mail tab, set the quota values under Set database quota and Set warning threshold.
set quota during registratiobn

Limitation of Manual Process

Technical Expertise Required: It is not an easy task to reduce Lotus Notes NSF file size limit. A complete understanding of IBM account administration is required.

Irrelevant and Unreliable: It is not an apt and professional technique to reduce Notes NSF data. Many users look for workarounds to making the task more direct and easier.

Automated Approach to Reduce Lotus Notes Mailbox Size

The manual solution is a preferred method for administrators and system analysts. It is difficult for a single employee to increase mailbox quota Lotus Notes. For them, a reliable third-party tool can be used like the NSF File Splitter. It can reduce an IBM Notes NSF file significantly and make room for more emails. The splitter can ensure complete maintenance of data security and integrity. There are no changes made to email messages or attachments, they are just split into smaller .nsf files.


Mailbox size can increase over time leading to mailbox corruption and errors. It is important to manage Lotus Notes database file size limit. This post describes all the steps and techniques to perform this task manually. There is also an automated, direct solution suggested to make the task of reducing Lotus Notes NSF file size limit much easier.